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MAAF yaah lama ga posting....
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Daku bisa lupa username sama password selama sebulan.... ? Jadinya baru bisa posting nih, basi-basi deeeh Daku lupa username + password, mmm apa kebanyakan Jadinya memorynya kurang gini hwekekeke... Udah gitu ternyata account bloggerku ini didaftarkan dengan e-mail lama : armajitsan2000@yahoo.com [maklum BloGnya registrasi taun 2001] Tuuh ada tulisan taun 2000-nya udah lama ga kepake booo... dan daku coba2 aja reactivate, eh bener aja RECOVERY-nya di MAIL-account itcuu... Itupun daku TRY-Error passwordnya.... ***maklum udah tua Kalo daku lupa passwordnya itu e-Mail daku berniat berhenti nge-BLOG deh sekalian, fufufufufu.... Tapi..tapiii tapi bagaimana dengan para FANS-kuuh ? **melambaikan tangan ke FANs Sekarang passwordnya daku tulis di HP, kalo yang mau ngobrak-abrik BLOG daku sok mangga dicolong aja sekalian tuuh HP ^_^ Besok daku cerita-cerita lagi deh yeee Ini daku tulis biar ga terlalu bolong aja Nah sementara ini ada Lyric lagu dari MUSE, menurutku sih lagunya OK banget cuco' boo sama MOOD-ku Kalo ada yang minat lagu ini sudah daku Upload di SINI Jadi silahkan Download kalo mau dengerin [Disclaimer : Not for commercial purposes] ============================================ UNO By : MUSE This means nothing to me 'Cause you are nothing to me And it means nothing to me That you blew this away 'Cause you could've been number one If you only found the time And you could've ruled the whole world If you had the chance You could've been number one And you could've ruled the whole world And we could've had so much fun But you blew it away You're still nothing to me And this is nothing to me And you don't know what you've done But I'll give you a clue You could've been number one If you only had the chance And you could've ruled the whole world If you had the time You could've been number one And you could've ruled the whole world And we could've had so much fun But you blew it away You could've been number one And you could've ruled the whole world And we could've had so much fun But you blew it away Labels: Kumur-kumur
This blog dedicated to everyone, all of contents write by Arma Guspia created at year 2000 and re-written since March 2003 with layout minor changes, all characters and trademarks belongs to subjects owner.
©2000-2012, Just give me credit if take and keep something from here. | Yang ada di sini hanya : - Ngoprek (IT base) - Object Oriented Prog (OOP) (IT base) - Ceritaku - Sekedar INFO - Kumur-kumur (Some scrap log) - Mirror Site |